Retina department of BEH is one of referral center of Eastern Nepal. All types of retinal diseases are evaluated and treated.Special focus on Diabetes: High blood sugar damages blood vessels of the body including retinal vessels. This cause diabetic retinopathy that can lead to severe visual impairment. Therefore, early detection and timely treatment is the only way to preserve the sight.
Retinal Diagnostic and Treatment available:
- Diagnostic A-SCAN & B- SCAN: to evaluate the posterior segment of the eye if media opacities hinder a proper fundus examination.
- Fundus photography
- OCT evaluation for detection of retinal disease
- Digital Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) & Indocyanine Green Angiography (ICG) Photography of retina/choroid with a dye to study details of retinal & choroidal blood vessels
- Retinal laser (Multispot Green Laser) for treatment of diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, retinal break etc.
- Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC)
- ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) Screening and treatment
- Child friendly pediatric department
- Visual acuity testing for children (CAT, LH-Test)
- Orthoptic services using VTS4 & Synoptophore
- Squint Evaluation and Treatment
- ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) Screening and treatment
- Evaluation and provision of glasses in refractive error. Child friendly pediatric optical unit
- Cycloplegic Refraction
- Evaluation and treatment of amblyopia
- Evaluation and provision of low vision devices
- Free distribution of vitamin A capsules to children with xerophthalmia
- Post-operative follow-up
All types of pediatric eye surgeries (Cataract, Glaucoma, Squint, Ptosis etc.) are available.
- Detailed corneal ulcer work up and management
- Corneal ulcer scraping facility with Gram’s stain and KOH mount
- Culture and Sensitivity facility
- Free admission of corneal ulcer patients in corneal ulcer ward
- Tissue adhesive and Bandage contact lens application
- Patients with severe cornea scarring are counseled on the possibility of cornea transplant
- Intensive regular follow-up of patients after cornea transplant
- Laser Surgeries
Glaucoma is a chronic disease leading to blindness if not treated in time and on a regular basis. Equipment to detect glaucoma:
- Tonometry with Goldman Applanation Tonometer, Non-Contact Tonometer
- Visual field testing with Humphrey Field Analyzer
- OCT evaluation for detection of glaucoma
- Nd YAG Laser iridotomy for glaucoma treatment
- Congenital Glaucoma Services
- TSCPC Services
- Pachymetry
- Disc Photography
All forms of Glaucoma surgeries (Trabeculectomy, Trabeculectomy + Trabeculotomy, Tube Surgery, Combined Cataract + Trabeculectomy etc)
Orbit, Plastic and Lacrimal (OPAL) (
Contact Lense Services
Orthoptics Serivices
Low Vision, Hearing, Language and Speech Rehabilitation Unit
Counseling to incurable blind persons
If patients are found to be incurable blind, they receive counselling on orientation and mobility and on possibilities to earn income, e.g. through handicraft.Parents of blind children are counselled on integrated schooling for blind children.